for kids, teens & young adults


The Outback Experience presents a brilliant opportunity for wildlife enthusiasts to learn about the amazing bio-diversity that India has to offer.

India is one of the three wildlife richest habitats in the world, and we help you learn about these amazing creatures through 4 fantastic sessions covering all the important, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.

Not only will you learn some amazing facts about these animals, but you will also learn how to save them.

The workshop is led by award-winning wildlife photographer Phillip Ross who is exceptional with children, and will ensure a fun, educational, interactive and creative time.

Enrol your child today for an amazing learning experience.


Learn about the incredible wildlife that India has to offer! You child will learn some interesting facts about these animals, understand their habitats and learn important ways to conserve them.

  • Comprehensive understanding of India’s Biodiversity.
  • Learn about mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish.
  • Learn ways to conserve and save these amazing creatures.
  • Expert guidance from naturalist and wildlife photographer Phillip Ross


This Indian Wildlife Workshop is spread over 4 days, of 1.5 hours each day.

DAY 1:

  • India’s Rich Wildlife & Important Wildlife Habitats
  • The Wildlife Protection Act of 1972
  • Introduction to the mammals of India
  • Big cats
  • Lesser cats
  • Canids of India
  • Bears of India
  • Ungulates
  • Deer
  • Civets
  • India’s mongoose species
  • Primates of India
  • Bats
  • Other mammals of India

We begin the online workshop, with Phillip presenting an introduction to India’s wildlife and the important and amazing wildlife habitats, before introducing conservation and the wildlife protection Act of 1972. We now talk about the amazing mammals found in India, giving an importance to all the flagship species.

DAY 2:

  • The pioneer of bird studies – Salim Ali
  • Birds discovered after independence
  • Threatened birds of India
  • Endemic birds of the Western Ghats
  • Common birds found around us

Today is all about the amazing birdlife that India has to offer. We cover all of the above topics, and your child will be absolutely amazed by the richness this country offers.

DAY 3:

  • Introduction to Reptiles of India
  • Crocodiles of India
  • Turtles of India
  • Snakes of India
  • The BIG 4
  • Snakebite – Myths & First Aid
  • Lizards and Skinks of India
  • Introduction to Amphibians of India
  • Frogs vs Toads
  • Frogs of the Rainforest

The third day of the workshop is all about the reptiles and amphibians of India. We go through all of the above topics in detail, and your child will be more aware about these incredible creatures.

DAY 4:

  • Introduction to fishes of India
  • Mammals of the water
  • The marine ecosystem
  • Brackish water ecosystem
  • Freshwater ecosystem
  • The Mahseer – Tiger of the River
  • Angling for Conservation
  • River Conservation – The Need of the Hour

The final day is all about the amazing fish life of India. We cover all 3 fish ecosystems, such as marine, brackish water and freshwater. We pay special attention to the mahseer, a species of critically endangered freshwater fish found in major river systems of India. We also share our views about conservation of our rivers, which is the need of the hour.

Workshop requirements:

  • Good internet
  • Zoom account


How much does it cost?


INR 2,500/-

per participant(Inclusive of 18% GST)


INR 4,500/-

for two participants(Inclusive of 18% GST)


INR 2,000/-

per Outbacker(Inclusive of 18% GST)

Outbacker: Participated in at least three previous camps or workshops, conducted by The Outback Experience.


  • Workshop fee’s
  • Unlimited support in the future with your mentor
  • A digital certificate of participation
  • GST

Payment Terms

100% payment in advance for confirmation of booking.

Payment can be made via bank transfer to our account. Please inform us of the reference number once the payment is made.

Cancellation Fees

  • 10% outside 30 days before the workshop
  • 25% between 29 and 22 days before the workshop
  • 50% between 21 and 15 days before the workshop
  • 75% between 14 and 8 days before the workshop
  • 100% within 7 days before the workshop

Have questions about this workshop?

We hope you'll find your answers here.

Who is this workshop for?

Any child, teen or young adult between the ages of 10 and 18 is welcome to enrol for these workshops. There are no other eligibility criteria, just a passion to learn about nature and wildlife.

My child is older or younger than 10 and 18. Can an exception be made?

The age group of the children has been carefully chosen keeping in mind the content and style of delivery. However, if your child is outside the age group and you’re interested in admitting him or her, please talk to us.

How do I make the payment?

We have multiple payment options available from which you may choose one as per your convenience. Details will be shared when we receive your enquiry.

How many participants can be expected to attend?

A maximum of 20 students are expected. The Outback Experience’s USP is to provide as much individual attention and quality time to each participant as possible and thus the workshop strength has been kept low. We do not cater to very large groups per batch!

What are the requisites for the Workshop?

As this is a virtual/online interactive workshop, you must have good internet.

The workshop will be taking place over Zoom Conference calls. Students over the age of 18 may use their own Zoom accounts, however, we strongly recommend that students 17 years and younger use their parents Zoom accounts. The Outback Experience will ensure that only those enrolled for the workshop be present on the conference and the conference locked once all participants are logged in. 

How do I register my child?

Fill up the form in the ‘BOOK NOW’ section and we’ll get back to you with all the necessary details in a jiffy.


Please submit your details, to enrol for this event.