During this period of lockdown, The Outback Experience presents the perfect opportunity for budding photography enthusiasts to master the art and science of digital photography without leaving the safety of your home.

This specially crafted five-day photography workshop is designed so that you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the basics of photography and begin to take stunning images.

The workshop will be held online and taught in a very easy manner at a slow pace.

What’s better, with award-winning wildlife photographer Phillip Ross as your workshop instructor, you are sure to have a fun-filled, educational, interactive and creative time. Phillip will also ensure that there is a lot of individualised attention and will cater to all of your doubts and questions.

The workshop will include not only theory-based learning but a lot of practical learning too.

Come join us and enrol yourself for this one-of-a-kind workshop!


With an array of lessons ranging from exposure, focussing, depth of field, low-light photography and composition, you are sure to gain an understanding and mastery of photography. The specifics of the workshop include:

  • Comprehensive understanding of the art and science of photography
  • Lots of practical learning
  • Camera maintenance
  • Expert guidance from wildlife photographer Phillip Ross


DATES: 9th,10th,11th, 17th & 18th October 2020 (Totally 5 days)

Workshop Timings:

Oct 9th: 7 PM to 9 PM

All other days: 4 PM to 6 PM

Workshop requirements:

  1. DSLR camera or Mirrorless camera

  2. Good internet

  3. Zoom account

DAY 1:

  • Introduction to Digital Photography
  • Cameras, Lenses & Accessories
  • Working & Understanding of your camera

We begin the online workshop, with Phillip Ross your instructor welcoming all participants and will present an introduction to digital photography to help you understand the basics such as camera formats, megapixels, understanding your camera body, lenses, focal length and camera accessories. 

DAY 2:

  • The Program Dial
  • Introduction to Exposure

Now that you have a good grasp of the basics, we will turn to the core aspect of photography – EXPOSURE. We will briefly discuss the exposure triangle and exposure program modes.

Once you have completely understood both the modes, we close the day giving you a small assignment for the next day.

DAY 3:

  • Mastering Exposure
  • Exposure Compensation
  • The Right Camera Mode
  • Bulb Mode

Today is all about mastering Aperture, Shutter, ISO and Exposure Compensation using the various program modes such as Manual, Aperture priority and Shutter priority. You will certainly have a better grasp of photography and feel more confident with your cameras after this session.

You will now be taught how to master photographing in the dark with a fun session on low light and night photography. Using the bulb mode, you will love learning about light painting and all that it needs to take to practice star trail photography, lightning photography etc. 

We end day one of the workshop with some invaluable tips and tricks, and we give you an assignment to practice for the entire week ahead.

DAY 4:

  • Metering
  • Focussing
  • Depth of Field

We will first bring everyone up to speed by summarising the previous week’s sessions before we begin to learn all there is to know about metering and then focussing, where we will provide instructions on manual focus, autofocus, autofocus points and focus modes.

It’s time for a topic that everyone finds quite fascinating – depth of field (DOF). You will learn about the various aspects that influence depth of field and learn how to capture images with a shallow or deep depth of field.

You are again given a small assignment for the next day before ending the session.

DAY 5:

  • Composition
  • White Balance
  • Sharpness
  • Filters
  • Camera Maintenance

We will now present some of our finest images and talk about composition, and help you showcase your work a lot more efficiently.

As the workshop winds to a close, we will help you understand topics such as sharpness, image stabilization, white balance, using filters, best practices of photography, cleaning and maintenance and buying of equipment.

We will clear everyone’s doubts with a question-and-answer session and a final rendezvous before bidding adieu.


How much does it cost?


INR 2,500/-

per participant(Inclusive of 18% GST)


  • Workshop fee’s
  • Unlimited support in the future with Phillip (The photography mentor)
  • A digital certificate of participation
  • GST

Payment Terms

100% payment in advance for confirmation of booking.

Payment can be made via bank transfer to our account. Please inform us of the reference number once the payment is made.

Cancellation Fees

  • 10% outside 30 days before the workshop
  • 25% between 29 and 22 days before the workshop
  • 50% between 21 and 15 days before the workshop
  • 75% between 14 and 8 days before the workshop
  • 100% within 7 days before the workshop

Have questions about this workshop?

We hope you'll find your answers here.

Who is this workshop for?

Anybody over the age of 20 is welcome to enrol for this workshop. There are no other eligibility criteria, just a passion to learn photography.

I have a child who is younger than 20. Can an exception be made?

Your child is welcome to enrol his or herself for our kids online photography workshop.

How do I make the payment?

We have multiple payment options available from which you may choose one as per your convenience. Details will be shared when we receive your enquiry.

How many participants can be expected to attend?

A maximum of 20 participants are expected. The Outback Experience’s USP is to provide as much individual attention and quality time to each participant as possible and thus the workshop strength has been kept low. We do not cater to very large groups per batch!

What are the requisites for the Workshop?

Having your own camera is strongly recommended, since we’ll have practical exercises for all the discussed topics. This camera should ideally be a Digital SLR (DSLR) or a Mirrorless camera, to make the most out of the workshop.

As this is a virtual/online interactive workshop, you must have good internet.

The workshop will be taking place over Zoom Conference calls. The Outback Experience will ensure that only those enrolled for the workshop be present on the conference and the conference locked once all participants are logged in. 

How do I register ?

Fill up the form in the ‘BOOK NOW’ section and we’ll get back to you with all the necessary details in a jiffy.


Please submit your details, to enrol for this event.

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